is the science of tree breeding, based on an understanding of tree biology. The scientific and practical object of arboriculture is the individual tree.
We provide the following services:
- Tree pruning.
- Tree cutting.
- Milling stump removal.
- Planting and supply of tree seedlings.
- Arboricultural expert opinions.
- Static assessment of trees.
- Expert advice on building design and professional supervision.
- Growing conditions analysis.
- Tree health assessment.
- Tree inventory and GIS inventory establishment.
Free visit on site:
Milan Umek
T: 041 714 883
He will advise you according to your needs and provide you with a quotation.
Licensed arborist – expert on trees in urban environments
A licensed arborist is an expert in trees and other woody plants in the urban environment and deals with individual trees. He has acquired his expertise through education and work experience, and has confirmed it by obtaining an internationally recognised arboricultural certificate. The certificate is a certification that the arborist has the necessary knowledge to control, advise and manage trees and other woody plants in residential, commercial and public areas. The arborist has a broad knowledge of tree biology (how a tree grows, differences between tree species, tree physiology, difference between different wood tissues, tree diseases, etc.), is familiar with the different roles trees play in the urban environment, and is familiar with modern pruning techniques (canopy linking, support of individual branches, correct planting of seedlings, management of damaged trees, etc.).
ISA Certified Arborist
We have an internationally licensed arborist on our team
"ISA Certified Arborist"
since 2008 and the first NPK tree care at height in Slovenia. The work is carried out by workers who have passed the AVTA and AVTB (Arboricultural Rope Technique) exams and have several years of experience.
Dr Lena Marion; ML-0334A
Trees in the urban environment
The tree is a woody perennial that has a perennial trunk with a branched canopy and grows to a height of at least 5 m when mature. Arboriculture is the science of planting and maintaining mainly urban trees, based on knowledge of tree biology. The goal of arboriculture is a healthy and beautiful tree that enhances the quality of life without endangering people or property.
In an urban environment, choosing the right tree species for the location is crucial for the successful future growth of the tree. We can advise you on the choice and supply you with individual seedlings. We also supply and plant large quantities of seedlings to create green spaces.
Urban growing conditions are highly unfavourable for trees and can prevent the normal development of the whole tree or parts of it. Many times they physiologically weaken the tree to the point that it dies. The average lifespan of trees growing in the city is generally shorter than that of trees growing in forests or woodlands. in the natural environment. According to foreign literature, urban trees have an average age of around 15 years. Limiting factors for the growth of urban trees are compacted soils, lack of oxygen and water in the soil, air and soil pollution (e.g. from spreading salts), numerous diseases and pests, and frequent mechanical damage to the roots, trunk and crown. The synergistic effects of these factors are reflected in the poor health of urban trees. Healthy trees are those that are better able to withstand all the adverse impacts of the city and are therefore less hazardous, while also representing a lower cost in terms of tree care. In urban settlements, we are committed to healthy, safe and beautiful trees. If existing and newly planted urban trees do not receive sustained improvements in growing conditions (better water supply, reduced soil compaction, less mechanical damage, etc.), these trees will gradually begin to die and the age and density structure of urban trees will change dramatically. Everyone can contribute to better growing conditions for urban trees just by not leaving their vehicles on tree lawns.Dumping materials, parking vehicles, transporting cars or heavy machinery in the root zone of trees causes soil compaction and thus prevents water and oxygen from reaching the root system. Changes in soil conditions are outwardly visible over the years, through a slow dieback of the canopy.
Article on
To grow successfully, a tree needs:
- Space above the ground to allow the tree to grow its canopy unhindered, in the ground to allow the tree to grow its roots unhindered and thus stabilise the tree. Most of the tree’s roots are in the first 70 cm of soil. This is where air exchange is highest.
- Sun enables photosynthesis. Insufficient insolation can cause poor growth or asymmetry of the canopy, and excessive insolation from reflection from glass facades can damage trees (especially conifers).
- Airy and nutritious soils, where roots can breathe and receive water and the nutrients dissolved in it from the soil.
- Suitable temperature – some species cannot withstand frost, others cannot withstand high temperatures and drought, so choosing the right species is important.
- Peace. Trees do not need humans to grow in their natural habitat, but humans do need trees for a better quality of life, better air, protection from noise and wind, shade, oxygen and, ultimately, to make cities look better. That’s why we plant trees in cities and shape them to our needs with regular care. By taking care of the tree canopy, we make sure that trees do not obstruct traffic, shade lights or block signs. do not cause any damage to the facilities. It is important to minimise disturbance to tree tissues (in and above the ground) and to the tree’s growing space, as this generally has a negative impact on the tree’s development and health.